
Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Old Wive's Tales

Tomorrow is a big day. 

We find out the gender of our sweet baby! I cannot wait. 
When I had my 14 week appointment 6 weeks ago and scheduled this appointment to find out our baby, the sweet receptionist gave me all the available times. 

I immediately asked what was the earliest time possible.
You think I am going to wait one second longer than I have to to see my cute little peanut again?? HA.
So we scheduled it for 8:00 am on a Friday :) 

{My sweet sister Anna took this picture, and I shamefully took it from Instagram. But how cute right?}

It has been a long week, and I'm so excited to know what we are having, but i'm most hopeful that our baby is happy and healthy! That is the most important thing.

My sweet friend Alisa came over the other day with her cutie of a baby Ella. I love those two! She makes me so excited to be a mom seeing the way she cares for her sweet girl! 

We were on a walk after getting some ice cream and talking about being moms and how wonderful it is. She then asked me if I had ever done the Old Wives Tale to see if you are having a boy or a girl by dangling a string with a ring over your hand. I hadn't even thought of it! But i'm so glad we did this little experiment! 

We went back to my apartment and did the test (it was so funny how nervous I was HA). 
and then I thought...why stop there?! 
So my ambitious self turned it into an all night affair to carry out all the old wives tales to predict if I'm carrying a little boy or a sweet girl! 
Poor Alisa, thanks for putting up with me. 

Here are the results:

1. Ring on a String: The ring swung in a circular motion signifying a GIRL
2. Bump Position: I am (according to Alisa) carrying low which predicts a BOY
3. Heartbeat of Baby: 140+ signifies a girl, last time we checked about 2 weeks ago baby's heart beat was 154= GIRL
4. Craving Salty or Sweet: HA both. But mostly salty, so a BOY
5. Draino: This is a weird one but I wont go into much detail but it signified a GIRL haha
6. Key pick up: I picked up a key by the handle signifying a BOY
7. Got Zits?: Yup= GIRL
8. Sick?: Yup=GIRL 


Girl: 5
Boy: 3

What the heck baby?! I was split right down the middle every time! 
I guess we will have to wait to see tomorrow for sure! 

I just keep thinking about what it will be like to have a little boy or a little girl and either way I think my heart would burst from how wonderful either one would be! I am just so grateful to be carrying this little one. We love baby so much already! 

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