I am so glad I finally get to tell this story! For a few months now, our little family has been keeping a secret, but now I am happy to shout it from the rooftops that we are having a little one! I can't begin to tell you how full my heart has been these past fifteen weeks. I can't believe it still!
Here is the story:
It was one day before my birthday, March 13. The past few weeks I had been feeling pretty tired and a sick. I was training for a half marathon, but running seemed to be getting harder and harder. I was out of breath on my second mile when I had been running up to 8 a few weeks earlier.
I follow a blog who's author had a similar experience when she was expecting her first child, but didn't yet know it.
Could it be??
I was secretly wondering if maybe there was a little human growing inside me...but then I remembered the 3 earlier negative pregnancy tests that I had hoped would be positive and denied it a couple of times...but the thought never left the back of my mind
My sweet husband, although I didn't voice my wonderings, knew exactly what I thought.
He drove me to Walmart and we picked up a pregnancy test before our date that night.
We went to an NBA game where the Denver Nuggets were hosting our FAVORITE team the Golden State Warriors. We had been so excited for months, but it was hard to sit through that game knowing the test was just sitting in the car!
When we got home, my heart was pounding so fast! Brantley waited while I took the test, then I came and sat on the bed, and hugged him for the longest three minutes of my life. I picked up the test, covering the answer so Brantley and I could see it at the same time, and came back to sit on the bed. We counted to three and I turned it over.
The most surreal moment of my life was seeing that little purple plus sign. Was I really going to be a mom? I covered my mouth and looked up at Brantley. He had a big smile and gave me the best hug I think he's ever given me.
After the initial shock wore down a little, I took another test, just to be sure...
That moment, my goodness, was the best moment yet. I am so grateful for my wonderful husband who I know is going to be the most incredible dad. We could not feel more blessed and humbled at this amazing calling to be parents. Our hearts are full and our love for this little one is so strong already! What a miracle it is!
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