
Monday, May 11, 2015

We are back in business

Well hello friends!

It has been quite a while, but what a while it has been!

Since I last posted, the Brooks have...

  • Moved back to Idaho
  • Joined a softball team (ha)
  • Gotten a puppy!!!
  • Gone back to school

Yeah its intense! Lets start with number one:

We moved back to Idaho! I love Idaho. It feels almost like home (would feel totally like home if everyone from Kansas lived here but that's ok). And the best part? We are living NEXT DOOR to Anna and Kent. haha its literally the best situation ever. We just go hang out at each other's houses whenever we want just walking in, hoping every one is dressed. 

Anna and I are ALWAYS having sister dates and its the best!

2. We are on a softball team. HA 

This is just hilarious because we did it for fun and now its our favorite thing. We are going to do batting practice tonight!

3. We got a Puppy! WHAT?! I know its crazy! The moment was just perfect and it worked out that we could take this little guy home! (He is actually too little right now to actually take home but he is ours!) His name is Lenny and we could not be more in love :)

4. We back in school

I love school. Its nuts because I am so stressed all the time but really BYU-Idaho is one of my favorite places in the world. 

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