
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

New Year, New Plans

Its February!  How did that happen? 
This "New Year" is flying by and I don't know about you, but I think I need a little motivation to keep up my goals I made for January 1st. 

Maybe you are rocking it, and if you are WAY TO GO, but Its amazing that most Americans have such a hard time making and keeping good new years resolutions. 

This year, I looked to Pinterest to help me figure out how to make and keep goals that will be meaningful to my overall self. 

Here are some of my favorite tips for a road to successful goal making. 

1. Make up to 3 really good goals.  Making a whole long list of goals will not only overwhelm you, but it will also make it hard to keep them and keep them well. It is better to make a few goals that are super meaningful and you can focus your attention on. 

2. Make a deadline for each goal. I'm not talking "December 31" but an actual date within the year that you can check that goal off the list. If your goal is something like "be a better cook," make small weekly or monthly goals to help you keep on track. For example cooking one meal a week can help your skill become what you want it to be, and you can actually keep track of your effort in that resolution.

3. Remind yourself why it is you made that goal. The best way to do this is to record your thoughts on why you want to accomplish your resolutions and read them back. Maybe you want to spend more time with your children because you want to see how their personalities have changed with age, or maybe you want to exercise more because you want to be able to run around with your toddler. Whatever the reason, reminding yourself of the real purposes behind your resolutions will help you stay motivated to reach your goals.

I find that these tips help with ALL goals, not just ones made at the beginning of the year. 

Claire's New Years Resolutions

//Run a Half-Marathon (Scheduled for April 4) I want to run a half marathon because I have never really been an athletic person, and I married into one that breathes fitness. My mom also inspires me because of her healthy lifestyle. I want to feel good about my body and proud of a hard accomplishment.

//Record more of Life's Events. I love looking back at memories and seeing how our little family has grown. The only problem is I take SO MANY PICTURES and never organize them. I started this goal off by making a 2014 family year book that organized all the important events that have happened to us last year. (It's coming in the mail Tomorrow!!) I also want to keep blogging and writing in my journal to keep the details of our lives preserved! 

//Attend the temple each month. You can learn more about the temple here

Knowing that I am keeping my goals, even if I am not perfect at them, make me feel like I am in control of my progression! 

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